Friday, January 31, 2014

Happy Chinese New Year - 2014

Kung Hei Fat Choi to our fellow Chinese-Filipinos. They are now celebrating one of big feast in Chinese Culture.

As a kid I was schooled in a Chinese school during my elementary days. Our Chinese teachers usually gives tikoy for good luck and a prosperous year ahead. Normally it is pan fried with egg.. I love it! :) 

It will be the year of the Wooden Horse (I'll be busy chasing and running to meet my deadlines and projects). May we have a prosperous new year ahead.

Tikoy has evolved from a white color unflavored to multi-flavored with different colors.

And one best thing about Chinese New Year is that it is a non-working holiday here in the Philippines. It means that EDSA will not be congested in traffic today. :D

Picture from

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